Thursday, July 21, 2016

Open For Business!

This week we are picking:
* zucchini squash
* yellow crooked neck squash
* scarlet radishes.

Yesterday we had our first drive in customers.  Caroline and Denys bought zucchini squash and yellow crooked neck squash fresh off the vine.  They also bought the only two ripe tomatoes we had, again, right off the vine.

This Thursday and Friday we will be available to drive in customers from 8 am to 5 pm.  It is to your advantage that we leave the produce on the vine until you arrive.  If you are worried that we may be out of product, please give us a call at 575-354-2444.  Please be patient if you must leave a message because we are in the field.  Cell phones do not work out here.  No worries.  We will see your message soon enough as we tend to come inside to rehydrate or cool off, or lately, to get out of the rain.

Zucchini Squash – 1 Basket (~3 medium or 4 small) $3.75
Yellow Crooked Neck Squash – 1 Basket (~3 medium or 4 small) $3.50
Scarlet Radishes – $0.50 each or 3 for $1.25

Our market garden is pesticide and herbicide free.   Buying locally gives you a freshness that is unattainable in a grocery store.